BNB token recoveryBNB is Binance’s popular crypto token that commonly runs on its own BSC (Binance Smart Chain) blockchain. Wallet address are very similar to ETH and even have an 0x prefix but are different, so it’s easy for people unfamiliar with them to get them confused and potentially lose tokens. Also the use of smart contracts can confuse matters further and people will sometimes mistakenly send tokens to smart contract addresses rather than wallet addresses.

In this case the client’s lost BNB tokens were held on the BSC chain but after a reinstallation of the Exodus wallet the client was no longer able to access his cryptocurrency. Instead he was getting an error after entering his seed words.

The client supplied his seed words and wallet address to me and I was able to fix the problem and the client was able to regain access to his wallet.

Do you have a problem similar to this and need help recovering your crypto ?

I can assist. I have an excellent success rate. There are no upfront fees and you only pay if I’m successful in recovering your crypto.